I'm a lecturer in the College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) affiliated with the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley.
Among other things I ...
enjoy authoring teaching-learning materials for statistics and data science,
love using graphical displays to understand data with visualization,
cherish multivariate methods for exploring, analyzing, and visualizing data in a context of multiple variables and high dimensionality,
like helping researchers and scientists analyze their data,
care about computational reproducibility topics,
believe in and practice open education.
If you find any value and usefulness in the resources of this site, please consider making—via paypal—a one-time donation in any amount (e.g. the amount you would spend inviting me a cup of coffee or any other drink). Your support really matters.
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Some of the courses I've taught at UC Berkeley
Introduction to
Probability and Statistics
Reproducible and Collaborative
Statistical Data Science
Some of my R ebooks on data analysis, programming, simulations, handling strings, web technologies, etc.
R Ice Breaker: Getting Started with R and RStudio.
R Coding Basics: Introduction to the Basics of Coding in R.
R Tidy Hurricanes: Analyzing Tropical Storms with Tidyverse Tools.
R Rolling Dice: Exploring Simulations in Games of Chance with R.
R for Strings: Handling and Manipulating Strings in R.
R Web Technologies: A Short Introduction to Web Technologies in R.
I'm a passionate R user, and in a not so distant past, I was an active developer and maintainer of several R packages. All the code is available in my github repositories.
plspm provides a toolkit exclusively dedicated to Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM) analysis.
pathmox is dedicated to the Pathmox approach for obtaining segmentation trees in PLS-PM analysis.
plsdepot provides a set of tools for performing Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis of one or two data tables.
arcdiagram is a minimalist package to help you plot pretty arc diagrams in R.
colortools is designed to help users generate color schemes and color palettes.
pathdiagram provides simple functions to draw basic PLS path diagrams in R.
cointoss is a toy package with simple functions for simulating tossing a coin.
dieroller is a toy package with simple functions for simulating rolling a die.
binomial is a toy package with simple functions for computing binomial probabilities.
matrixkit is an R package that provides a first aid kit for some matrix operations commonly used in multivariate data analysis methods.
turner provides a set of handy functions to turn vectors (and lists of vectors) into other indexed data structures.
tester provides human readable functions to test characteristics of some common R objects.
Some old data analysis and visualization experiments developed around 2011-2012.
Rtist: weird but beautiful random paintings.
Got Plot: tiny collection of polished charts in R.
Star Wars Arc Diagram: visualizing Star Wars movie scripts.
genbiovis: deprecated experiment for visualizing titles of genetics & biology papers
Mining twitter with R: deprecated experiment that keeps catching people's attention.
Years ago I used to talk about data analysis, visualization, statistics, R and related stuff in my—now deprecated—blog Data Analysis Visually EnfoRced.
Fundamentos Teoricos de Maniobras con Cuerdas
In a parallel life I've been a rope rigging enthusiast (yes, seriously). Such has been my fascination around these activities that I even wrote a book in Spanish about the theoretical fundamentals of Rope Techniques.
Once in a blue moon, my alter ego feels compelled to write—mostly in my mother tongue—what to me seems, feels and sounds like poetry-ish. I call them Poemario, a random collection of personal poems in Spanish.
Tell Me Something Unique About You
A curated collection of what students have told me when I have asked them to "tell me something unique about you".
Photo album of an assortment of utility poles (transmission poles, telephone poles, power poles, etc).